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E-Journal Nasional Pend. Geografi

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Daftar E-Journal Nasional yang terakreditasi untuk Program Studi Pendidikan Geografi

NoSourcesPublisherISSNFocus and ScopeStatus
1JURNAL PENDIDIKAN GEOGRAFI: KAJIAN, TEORI, DAN PRAKTIK DALAM BIDANG PENDIDIKAN DAN ILMU GEOGRAFIUniversitas Negeri Malang2527-628XGeographical Knowledge, Teaching And Learning Geography, Geography Education, Literacy Geography, Geo Capabilities, Spatial Education, Sustainability Education, Environmental Education, Disaster Education
2JURNAL PENDIDIKAN GEOGRAFI UNDIKSHAUniversitas Pendidikan Ganesha2614-1094human geography and physical geography, population, and environmental studies, investigation of regional problems, resource management, disaster management, remote sensing techniques (RS), and geographic information system (GIS) applications as well as an in-depth discussion. Regarding the development of standards in geography education and teaching, both at the school and higher education levels.
3JPG (JURNAL PENDIDIKAN GEOGRAFI)Universitas Lambung Mangkurat2685-6395research and development in geography education (Learning models, Learning methods, Learning media, Assessment, Teaching materials, Curriculum), and earth and planetary sciences.
4GEODIKA: JURNAL KAJIAN ILMU DAN PENDIDIKAN GEOGRAFIProgram Studi Pendidikan Geografi FKIP Universitas Hamzanwadi2549-1830Geography Education and Learning; 2) Regional Planning and Development; 3) Environmental Management; 4) Disaster; and 5) Population
5JURNAL SPASIAL: PENELITIAN DAN TERAPAN ILMU GEOGRAFI SERTA PENDIDIKAN GEOGRAFIProgram Studi Pendidikan Geografi STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat2541-4380The focus of the Jurnal Spasial is to publish the results of research by lecturers, researchers and students in the fields of geography and geography education. Jurnal Spasial Issues in the field of research and applied geography covers the fields of human geography, physical geography, geographic information system applications and remote sensing. The education sector includes curriculum, geography learning, learning media, learning methods, learning environment, learning behavior and learning evaluation
6GEOEDUSAINS: JURNAL PENDIDIKAN GEOGRAFIUniversitas Mulawarman2723-374Xgeography, including innovative approaches to geography research, teaching, and learning. The journal publishes articles about the results of research and teaching approaches. geoedusains: jurnal pendidikan geografi understanding of human interaction and environmental systems as well as the education side.
7PENELITIAN PENDIDIKAN GEOGRAFIUniversitas Halu Oleo2502-2776Geography Education, Geography Learning Strategies, Geography Learning Media, Geography Learning Models, Oceanography, Environmental Geography, Natural Resources, Social Geography, Cultural Geography, Remote Sensing, Geographic Information Systems, and Coastal Geography.
8GEORAFFLESIA : ARTIKEL ILMIAH PENDIDIKAN GEOGRAFIUniversitas Prof. Dr. Hazairin, SH2615-4781all science clusters and Applied Models of Educational Sciences. Physical Geography is an entire article with geo-studies Geography, Geology, Geomorphology, Hydrology, Regional / Space Arrangement Planning, GIS and Remote Sensing. Social Geography publishes articles relating to social issues, Human Geography, Demography, Anthropology, Social science.
9FORUM GEOGRAFIUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta2460-3945Geography, particularly through the utilization of GIS and remote sensing techniques for spatial analysis. Human and environment interaction study, Spatial analysis and modelling in geomorphology study, Spatial analysis and modelling in river basin study, GIS and/or Remote Sensing-based Disaster-related Study, Spatial analysis for urban, rural, and regional study
10MAJALAH GEOGRAFI INDONESIAUniversitas Gadjah Mada in collaboration with The Indonesian Geographers Association2540-945XGeomorphology, Climatology, Biogeography, Soils Geography, Population Geography, Behavioral Geography, Economic Geography, Political Geography, Historical Geography, Geographic Information Systems, Cartography, Qauantification Methods in Geography, Remote Sensing
JURNAL GEOGRAFIUniversitas Negeri Medan2549-7057Education Geography, Social Geography, Tourism Geography, Political Geography, Population Geography, Soil Geography, Environmental Science, Hydrology, Oceanography, Meteorology, Climatology, Geomorphology, Geology, Biogeography, Geographic Information Systems, Remote Sensing, Cartography, Regional Planning and Development, Climate Change.
MEDIA KOMUNIKASI GEOGRAFIUniversitas Pendidikan Ganesha2580-0183Human Geography and Physical Geography, population and environmental reviews, regional issue investigations, resource management, disaster management, remote sensing techniques (RS) and the application of geographical information system (GIS) and in-depth discussion on the development of standards in education and geography teaching, both at school and college level.
JURNAL GEOGRAFI GEAUniversitas Pendidikan Indonesia2549-7529Geographical Education, Geography (Physical Geography dan Social Geography), Classroom Action Research of Geograpy Studies. Development of Geographical Learning Model. Development of Geographical Learning Method. Studies of Geographical Learning Content. Studies of Geographical Education Policy. Application of Remote Sensing and GIS for Education Purposes. Education Philosophy and Geography Philosophy.
JURNAL GEOGRAFI, EDUKASI DAN LINGKUNGAN (JGEL)Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA2579-8510geography education, physical geography, social geography, Geographic Information Science (GIScience), and Enviromental study
JURNAL TUNAS GEOGRAFIUniversitas Negeri Medan2301-606XGeography Learning, Social and Human Geography, Regional Development, Geographic, Information Systems, Remote Sensing, Disaster and Mitigation, Geology and Geomorphology, Oceanography and Coastal
J SIG (JURNAL SAINS INFORMASI GEOGRAFI)Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo2614-1671Geography, Remote Sensing, Environment & Climate Change, Earth Science (geology, geophysics, hydrology, weather, and climate), Disaster, New and renewable energy, GeoAI, Geocomputation, Cartography
JURNAL GEOGRAFIKA (GEOGRAFI LINGKUNGAN LAHAN BASAH)Universitas Lambung Mangkurat2746-8194Environmental Geography of Wetlands, Forest and Land Fires, Floods, Landslides and Droughts, Climate Change, Remote Sensing and GIS, Sustainable Development, Phenomena: Endemics, Epidemics and Pandemics, Applied Geography, Population and Environmental Education
GEO MEDIA: MAJALAH ILMIAH DAN INFORMASI KEGEOGRAFIANUniversitas Negeri Yogyakarta2622-0792Physical geography, Human geography, Regional development, Population, Geographical information science, Teaching geography
SPATIAL : WAHANA KOMUNIKASI DAN INFORMASI GEOGRAFIUniversitas Negeri Jakarta1693-1408Physical Geography, Human Geography, Technical Geography, Geography Education
JURNAL GEOGRAFI GEOGRAFI DAN PENGAJARANNYAUniversitas Negeri Surabaya2443-3977physical geography, human geography, geography education, regional and environmental studies, remote sensing and GIS.
JURNAL GEOGRAFI UNPUniversitas Negeri Padang2614-6525Geography Education, Physical Geography, Human Geography, Geographic Information System (GIS), Remote Sensing, Environmental Science, Disaster Mitigation
LAGEOGRAFIAUniversitas Negeri Makassar2655-1284Geography Education, Human Geography, Technical Geography, Physical Geography
INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHYUniversitas Gadjah Mada and Idonesian Geographers Association2354-9114Geography, planning, and, social science (physical geography, human geography, urban planning, regional planning, and any aspecs of social sciences), Computer in Earth Science (GIS and Remote Sensing), Earth and Planetary Science (miscellaneous), Environmental Science (miscelaneous)
SUMATRA JOURNAL OF DISASTER, GEOGRAPHY AND GEOGRAPHY EDUCATIONUniversitas Negeri Padang2580-1775Disaster Scope Manuscript, Geographical Scope Manuscript, Geography Education Space Manuscript, Studies on Disaster, Geography and Geography Education which are original, illustrated and well written on all disaster topics, geographies, interests related to the case of Indonesia, and geography education in the world
GEOGRAPHY : JURNAL KAJIAN, PENELITIAN DAN PENGEMBANGAN PENDIDIKANUniversitas Muhammadiyah Mataram2614-5529geography learning and teaching in all institutions of higher education throughout the world, and provides a forum for geographers and others, regardless of their specialisms, to discuss common educational interests, to present the results of education geography research, social geography, environmental science, oceanography and remote sensing, geographic information systems, regional planning and development, climate change and to advocate new ideas.
JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHY SCIENCE AND EDUCATIONUniversitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara2685-581XGeography Science And Education
EDU GEOGRAPHYUniversitas Negeri Semarang2549-0346Geography Education Management, Geography Learning Planning, Evaluation of Geography Learning, Geography Curriculum, Geography Learning Technology, Geography Education Learning Strategies and various themes relevant to geography education in the fields of Physical, Social, Regional Geography and so on
GEOSFERA INDONESIAUniversitas Jember2614-8528Physical Geography : Spatial dimension on the earth’s surface, climate, soil, landform, and water, Human Geography : Spatial dimension on economic, urban, social, and cultural issues, Geographic Information System, Remote Sensing, and these application, Environmental change, environmental education, environmental monitoring, waste management, environmental sciences and sustainable development, Geography Education, Disaster Risk Reduction
GEOMATIKABadan Informasi Geospasial2502-2180Earth science (geodesy, geography, geology, geophysics, atmospheric science, oceanography), Spatial Information System (spatial data infrastructure), Geographic Information System, Remote sensing, Cartography, Boundary mapping
JGISE-JOURNAL OF GEOSPATIAL INFORMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERINGUniversitas Gadjah Mada2623-1182Terrestrial and Hydrographic Surveying, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Geodesy and Geodynamic, Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry, Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), Cartography, Land Administration, Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI), Spatial Planning, Boundary Mapping, and other relevant emerging technology.
JAMBURA GEO EDUCATION JOURNALProgram Studi Pendidikan Geografi FMIPA UNG2721-7019Geography Education (Classroom Action Research of Geography Studies, Development of Geography Learning Model, Development of Geography Learning Method, Studies of Geography Learning Content, Studies of Geography, Education Policy, Disaster Education, Environment Education), Social geography (Demography, urbanization, city development, social structure and changes in the urban environment, social structure in society, environment and development, disasters related to society. human activities on the environment, Cultural Geography, Tourism Geography.
GEOECOUniversitas Sebelas Maret2597-6044Geography Education and Environment Education, including classroom action research results, experimental research, development research and survey research related to geography education in elementary, junior high, high school and university, The phenomenon of the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, anthroposphere, and its interaction with the population, The phenomenon of disaster and their impacts to the nature and human, Interaction between society, development and implication for sustainable development, Sustainable use of land, water, energy and biological resources in development, Social and cultural contexts of sustainable development, Role of education and public awareness in sustainable development, Sustainable development