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E-Journal Nasional Teknik Sipil

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Daftar E-Journal Nasional yang terakreditasi untuk Program Studi Teknik Sipil

NoSourcesPublisherISSNFocus and ScopeStatus
1MEDIA KOMUNIKASI TEKNIK SIPILBadan Kejuruan Teknik Sipil Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia dan Badan Musyawarah Pendidikan Tinggi Teknik Sipil Seluruh Indonesia2549-6778Civil Engineering
2JURNAL TEKNIK SIPILFakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)2549-2659Structural Engineering, Construction Engineering & Management, Geotechnical Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Ocean Engineering
3MEDIA TEKNIK SIPILUniversitas Muhammadiyah Malang2597-7660structure, construction management, water management, transportation, geotechnical, environmental.
4INERSIA : JURNAL TEKNIK SIPIL DAN ARSITEKTURUniversitas Negeri Yogyakarta2528-388X(1) Built Environment, (2) Structural Engineering, (3) Materials Engineering, (4) Geotechnics, (5) Hydraulics Engineering, and (6) Construction Building
5JURNAL PENSIL : PENDIDIKAN TEKNIK SIPILUniversitas Negeri Jakarta2623-1085Media and Civil Engineering Learning Materials, Civil Engineering Curriculum and Learning Methods, Civil Engineering Education and Training Management, Civil Engineering Learning Strategies, Civil Engineering Education Financing, Competence and Work in the Civil Engineering Sector, and, Development of Civil Engineering Education and Training
6JURNAL APLIKASI TEKNIK SIPILInstitut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya2579-891XContains articles about applications in the field of Civil Engineering. This application can come from all branches of civil engineering, including structural, geotechnical, construction management, hydrology, transportation and civil engineering informatics. So this application is not only about building a building project, but also makes it possible to model a shape with the help of software.
7SIKLUS: JURNAL TEKNIK SIPILUniversitas Lancang Kuning2549-3973Structure, Transportation, Construction Management, Geotechnics, Hydro, Labour safety in construction
8CANTILEVER: JURNAL PENELITIAN DAN KAJIAN BIDANG TEKNIK SIPILUniversitas Sriwijaya2477-4863Water resources engineering, Transportation, Geotechnical engineering, Building and structural engineering, Construction engineering and management, Environmental engineering, Architecture
9JURNAL TEKNIK SIPIL (Atma Jaya)Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta2549-2918Civil Engineering fields including structure, geotechnics, transports, construction management, water and wastewater resources, environment, and disaster risk management
10JURNAL TEKNIK SIPIL DAN PERENCANAANUniversitas Negeri Semarang2503-1899Civil Engineering field include: Hydrology, Hydraulics, Structures, Construction, Materials Technology, Geomatics, Geotechnical and Transportation. Architecture field include: Building Physics, Architecture theory and history, Building Technologies, Socio Architecture, Green Architecture, Behavioral Studies, Planning field include: Regions and cities development and planning, Urban Design, Community Development, Housing
11DINAMIKA TEKNIK SIPILUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta2828-2876DTS focuses on the dissemination of conceptual ideas, design, analysis, and application of civil engineering in the development of sustainable infrastructure which will give real contribution to solve the real-world problems, particularly problems regarding infrastructures and disasters.. DTS encourages the civil and environmental engineering researchers to disseminate their paper associated with the development of sustainable infrastructures, water-related disaster such as floods and tsunami, project/construction management, geotechnical analysis, wastewater treatment and management, climate change impact and adaptation, disaster early warning system, and forensic engineering.
12FONDASI: JURNAL TEKNIK SIPILUniversitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa2503-1511Discussion and exploration of novel theories related to civil engineering fields. Civil engineering design and application experimentally or analitically. Case study related to civil engineering. Technology application on civil engineering problem solving. Observation empirically that give a conclusion. Data analytical.
13PUBLIKASI RISET ORIENTASI TEKNIK SIPIL (PROTEKSI)Universitas Negeri Surabaya2655-6421Structures, Geotechnic and Earthquakes, Construction Management, Transportation, Highway and Railway , Construction Materials, Water Resources , Hydrology and Hydraulics, Environment, Surveying, Monitoring, and Control Systems, Health and Safety in Construction
14BORNEO ENGINEERING : JURNAL TEKNIK SIPILUniversits Borneo Tarakan2581-1134Construction Management, Structural, Transportation, Water Resources, and Geotechnical Engineering
15JURNAL KOMPOSIT : JURNAL ILMU-ILMU TEKNIK SIPILUniversitas Ibn Khaldun2655-934XStructural Engineering, Building failure and assessment of building reliability, Development of construction technology and construction materials, Project Management and Construction Management, Infrastructure Management, Transportation Engineering, Water Resources and Integrated Water Resources Management, Geotechnical Engineering and Foundation Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Urban Engineering, and other topics deemed relevant (etc.)
16WAHANA TEKNIK SIPIL: JURNAL PENGEMBANGAN TEKNIK SIPILPoliteknik Negeri Semarang2527-4333Civil and Structural Engineeering, Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Transport Egineering, Water Resources Engineering, Constructions Management, Building Constructions, Disaster Management.
17JMTS: JURNAL MITRA TEKNIK SIPILUniversitas Tarumanagara2622-545XStructural Engineering, Construction Materials, Geotechnical Engineering, Transportation System and Engineering, Construction Management, Water Resources Engineering
18JURNAL ILMIAH TEKNIK SIPILUniversitas Udayana2541-5484Building Materials and Structures, Structural,and Bridge Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Transportation & Road Engineering & Policy, Constructions Technology, Economy and Management, Labour Safety, Procurement, and Legal Aspects in Civil Construction. , Water Resources Engineering & Management, Coastal and Port Engineering, Information Technologies in Civil Engineering
19CIVIL ENGINEERING DIMENSIONUniversitas Kristen Petra1979-570XAdvancing a comprehensive approach to civil engineering by integrating perspectives from diverse disciplines., Fostering academic collaboration and exchange with institutions worldwide, Encouraging scientists, practicing engineers, and others to engage in research and related endeavours.
20JOURNAL OF THE CIVIL ENGINEERING FORUMDepartemen Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan UGM2549-5925civil & environmental engineering researches associated with natural disasters such as geo-disaster (earthquake, landslide, and volcanic eruption), water-related disaster (flood, debris flow, coastal disaster, and tsunami), and human-made disasters such as soil, water, and air pollution and water scarcity. Articles describing the topics of disaster risk reduction techniques, disaster early warning system, climate change adaptation, vulnerability analysis and trends, pre and/or post-disaster reconstruction and rehabilitation planning and management, forensic engineering, the socio-engineering approach for the countermeasures, or water reuse and recycle are particularly encouraged.
21APPLIED RESEARCH ON CIVIL ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENT (ARCEE)Politeknik Negeri Jakarta2714-6553material, structure, geotechnical, construction management, water resources, transportation, implementation method, health and safety work in planning, operating, evaluating, maintenance of building, bridge, and environment.
22THE JURNAL ARSIP REKAYASA SIPIL DAN PERENCANAAN (JOURNAL OF ARCHIVE IN CIVIL ENGINEERING AND PLANNING)Universitas Syiah Kuala2615-1340Transportation Planning and Policy, Highway and Traffic Engineering, Hydrology, Coastal and Harbor Engineering, Construction Management, Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Engineering, Surveying and Geo-Spatial Engineering, Modern Construction Materials, Sustainable Development & Construction, Disaster Mitigation & Management, Earthquake Resistant Design Practices, Environmental Engineering & Management, Urban & Regional Planning.
23CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE JOURNAL (CIVENSE)Universitas Brawijaya2620-6218Innovation in Material Science and Engineering, Structural and Earthquake Engineering, Geography and Planning, Environmental Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Construction Management, Forensic Engineering, Coastal and Harbor Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering
24CIVED (JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION)Universitas Negeri Padang2622-6774civil engineering including structure, construction management, water resources management, transportation, geotechnical, environmental engineering and learning