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E-Journal Nasional Psikologi

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Daftar E-Journal Nasional yang terakreditasi untuk Program Studi Psikologi

NoSourcesPublisherISSNFocus and ScopeStatus
1PSIKOHUMANIORA: JURNAL PENELITIAN PSIKOLOGIProgram Studi Psikologi Fakultas Psikologi dan Kesehatan Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang25277456psycho-diagnostic and psychological interventions, clinical and positive psychology
2JURNAL PSIKOLOGI SOSIALFakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia dan Ikatan Psikologi Sosial-HIMPSI26158558Humanities, Education, Art, Social
5PERSONA: JURNAL PSIKOLOGI INDONESIAUniversitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya26155168educational psychology, developmental psychology, clinical psychology, social psychology, industrial & organizational psychology
6JURNAL PSIKOLOGI ULAYAT: INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF INDIGENOUS PSYCHOLOGYKonsorsium Psikologi Ilmiah Nusantara (KPIN)25801228Cultural Psychology, Social Psychology, Interpersonal Relationships, Individual and Group Dynamics within Organizational Settings, Developmental Psychology, Development of Psychological Instruments, Educational Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Political Psychology.
7INDIGENOUS: JURNAL ILMIAH PSIKOLOGIUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta2541450Xindigenous and Islamic values
8JURNAL PSIKOLOGI UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADAUniversitas Gadjah Mada2460867XClinical Psychology, Psychology of Education, Social Relation, Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Neuro Psychology
9PSYMPATHIC : JURNAL ILMIAH PSIKOLOGIFaculty of Psychology, Sunan Gunung Djati Islamic State University of Bandung25022903social psychology, and the combination of both
10BULETIN PSIKOLOGIUniversitas Gadjah Mada25285858contextualizing psychological concepts or phenomena within the socio-cultural setting of Indonesia
11JOURNAL AN-NAFS: KAJIAN PENELITIAN PSIKOLOGIProgram Studi Psikologi Islam Fakultas Dakwah IAI-Tribakti Kediri25496166psychology; student interactions; leadership and teacher careers in the educational setting; teacher-student relations; school cultures; special education; gender, race, ethnicity and social class in education; achievement, motivation, attitude in school; psychological interventions in educational setting; bullying, violence, and criminals in school
12PSIKIS : JURNAL PSIKOLOGI ISLAMIProgram Studi Psikologi Islam Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang25496468islamic psychology and integration educational psychology, social psychology, personality psychology, communication psychology, clinical psychology, developmental psychology, industrial and organizational psychology, psychometrics and psychological measurement, counseling psychology, psychotherapy, family psychology.
13JP3I (JURNAL PENGUKURAN PSIKOLOGI DAN PENDIDIKAN INDONESIA)Fakultas Psikologi UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta26545713Psychological and educational measurement (psychometric development and research instrument development, research on quantitative psychology, and other related research educational and psychological assessment)
14GADJAH MADA JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY (GAMAJOP)Universitas Gadjah Mada24077798clinical, social, developmental, educational or Industrial and Organizational
15INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGYUniversitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta27231402Islamic educational psychology
16TAZKIYA JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGYFaculty of Psychology, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta26547244Islamic Psychology, Industrial Psychology, Educational Psychology, Social Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Neuro Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology and other studies Psychology.
17JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL, HEALTH, COMMUNITY PSYCHOLOGYUAD Press24608467positive educational psychology, clinical health psychology, and community psychology
18PSYCHOLOGY, EVALUATION, AND TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCHResearch and Social Study Institute26225506Psychology in educational research: educational counselling; behaviour analysis and modification; human development; communication techniques; mental hygiene; career planning, Evaluation in educational research: evaluation, assessment, and measurement in varied instructional settings, including economics, mathematics, physics, vocation, engineering, and linguistics with their own particular phenomena, and significant studies that address issues of current education concern, Technology in educational research: integration of technology in learning, development of learning media, smart learning environment, online learning, adaptive learning, mobile learning, digital classroom, hypermedia in learning, quality assurance of learning
19GADJAH MADA JOURNAL OF PROFESSIONAL PSYCHOLOGY (GAMAJPP)Universitas Gadjah Mada24077801Psychological practice activities or psychologists in their common professional activities such as assessment, therapy, supervision, consultation, research, advocacy, etc. State-of-the-art literature reviews of research on specific psychological disorders or problems in living specifically written so as to draw out the implications for prevention, assessment, or intervention Research and theory on legal, ethical, or public policy issues as they affect the practice of psychology Advances in applications from such fields as health psychology; community psychology; broadly-defined diversity, clinical psychology; neuropsychology; family psychology; forensic psychology; educational psychology; I/O psychology; and other general and specialty areas Evidence-based practice and standards of professional practice and delivery of services in a variety of contexts—industries, institutions, educations, and other organizations.
20PHILANTHROPY: JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGYFakultas Psikologi Universitas Semarang2580 8532Philanthropy: Journal of Psychology includes articles on the results of applied concepts and psychology studies that are within the scope of positive psychology and mental health issues. It publishes articles based on empirical studies using quantitative or qualitative approaches. Philanthropy: Journal of Pssychology accepts articles that are based on the thorough and systematic examination of psychological constructs from the perspective of Indonesian context. The primary target audiences of this journal are academicians, graduate students, practitioners, and other professionals with interest in psychology.
21ACADEMIC JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY AND COUNSELINGUIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta27225461Academic Journal of Psychology and Counseling is a scientific journal that focuses on abnormal psychology, counseling to deal with mental problems, Islamic psychology, and Islamic counseling. It publishes articles based on empirical studies using quantitative or qualitative approaches or a combination of the two or meta-analysis or systematic literature review. Academic Journal of Psychology and Counseling calls for scientific articles on abnormal psychology in various contexts; counseling aimed dealing with mental problems; and psychological themes related to mental conditions resulting from abnormal social and environmental conditions. This journal also welcomes articles on Islamic psychology and Islamic counseling. It covers issues at varying levels of analysis (personal, group, and societal research) and methods (psychodiagnostic and psychological interventions). Furthermore, it provides the opportunity for the publication of articles based on inter/multidisciplinary and trans-disciplinary research, and even prioritizes or reserves special space for these.
22INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC PSYCHOLOGYInstitut Agama Islam Negeri Salatiga27147576IJIP journal focuses on the discussion of using quantitative or qualitative research methods. This journal is a media to accommodate the result of field research of students, lecturers, or practitioners.
23PSYCHOSOPHIA: JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, RELIGION, AND HUMANITYIAIN Syaikh Abdurrahman Siddik Bangka Belitung27212564Psychosophia publishes the majoring of multidisciplinary psychological scientific articles in which integration with Islamic studies, philosophy, and social-humanities approach. Articles can be in the format research report, conceptual paradigm, book review. Psychosophia welcomes papers about theory, method, and research in: Islamic Psychology; Psychology & Philosophy; Psychology & Social-Humanity Approach; Psychology & Indigenous context; Psychology & Global Issues; Psychology, Media, and Technology.
24JPAI (JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY AND INSTRUCTION)Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha25494589Child development: This area of study explores the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development of children, including factors that influence development such as parenting, education, and culture. Motivation, intelligence, and personality: This area focuses on the psychological factors that influence learning, including motivation, intelligence, and personality traits. Special educational needs: This area explores the educational needs of students with special needs or disabilities, and how educators can adapt instruction to meet those needs. Assessment of educational performances: This area includes research on assessment methods and tools used to evaluate student learning and academic performance. Education of special groups, gender, and culture: This area examines the education of diverse groups, including gender and cultural groups, and how educators can create inclusive and culturally responsive learning environments. Emotion, social, and cognitive learning processes: This area explores the interplay between emotions, social interactions, and cognitive processes in the learning experience. Learning and teaching styles: This area focuses o how different learning and teaching styles can influence student engagement and success. Classroom management: This area explores strategies for managing classroom behavior and promoting a positive learning environment.
25DEVELOPMENTAL AND CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGYJurusan Psikologi, FIP, Universitas Negeri Semarang22526358research, assessment and practice contributing to the advancement of Developmental and Clinical Psychology