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E-Journal Nasional Pendidikan Olahraga

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Daftar E-Journal Nasional yang terakreditasi untuk Program Studi Pendidikan Olahraga

NoSourcesPublisherISSNFocus and ScopeStatus
1JURNAL PENDIDIKAN OLAHRAGAIKIP PGRI Pontianak2407-1528the development of science and technology in the field of sports
2RIYADHOH : JURNAL PENDIDIKAN OLAHRAGAUniversitas Islam Kalimantan2656-2936has a focused focus on developing the scientific knowledge of the fields contained in sports education
3JURNAL KEOLAHRAGAANUniversitas Negeri Yogyakarta2461-0259various aspects of the sports and exercise sciences, including anatomy, biomechanics, performance analysis, physiology, psychology, sports management, sports medicine, sports nutrition, health, and well-being, as well as coaching and talent identification and physical education
4JURNAL ILMU KEOLAHRAGAAN UNDIKSHAUndiksha Press2613-9685The area of learning and instruction. Instruction, learning and teaching, curriculum development, learning environment, teacher education, educational, technology, and educational development Sport Science
5JURNAL TERAPAN ILMU KEOLAHRAGAANUniversitas Pendidikan lndonesia2549-6360Sport Medicine, Sport Biomechanic, Sport Sociology, Sport Physiology, Sport Psychology, Sport Technology, Sport Testing and Measurment, Sport and Excercise, Sport Tourism
6HALAMAN OLAHRAGA NUSANTARA : JURNAL ILMU KEOLAHRAGAANUniversitas PGRI Palembang2621-8143Physical Education, Sport Science, Coaching, Physical Activity, Sport Psychology, Sport Pedagogy
7JURNAL ILMU KEOLAHRAGAANUniversitas Tanjungpura2657-2044sport sciences, physical education, sport health, sport tourisme, sport marketing, and sport industry. To be considered for publication, manuscripts must original and relevant to the afore-mentioned topics.
8SAINS OLAHRAGA : JURNAL ILMIAH ILMU KEOLAHRAGAANUniversitas Negeri Medan2580-5150Sports Biomechanics, Sports Psychology, Sports Kinesiology, Sports Physiology, Sports Management, Sports Health, Sports Coaching and Technology in Sports.
9GLADI : JURNAL ILMU KEOLAHRAGAANUniversitas Negeri Jakarta2597-8942educational practices in all appropriate contexts including, but not limited to, school physical education, club sport, and active leisure programs. The journal considers papers that discuss a broad range of physical activities, including aquatics, dance, exercise, gymnastics, outdoor and adventure activities, meditative and martial arts and sport. Pedagogy in these contexts refers to the interacting and interdependent components of knowledge and curriculum, learners and learning, and teachers/coaches, teaching/coaching and teacher/coach education. The journal particularly welcomes papers that consider the interactions of each of these components and their practice in specific contexts.
10JSKK (JURNAL SAINS KEOLAHRAGAAN DAN KESEHATAN)Institut Teknologi Bandung2654-8860Sports Biomechanics, Sports Management, Sports Psychology, Sports Physiology, Public Health, Sports Nutrition, Physical Activity, Physical Education, Sports Tourism
11Jurnal Pendidikan dan OlahragaUniversitas Negri Padang2722-8282Pembelajaran PJOK, Modifikasi Pembelajaran PJOK, Tes & Pengukuran Penjas, Kurikulum & Perencanaan Pembelajaran, Adeministrasi dan Supervisi PJOK